To inspire the best employees to want to join and contribute to your organisation, high salaries and bonuses are not the only factors driving quality staff to a company and its culture. Top employees demand a workplace that stimulates collaborative, creative communication and incorporates design considerations that reduce the innate imbalance of a lucrative career and the stress and anxiety that often accompanies that. Seemingly, this is particularly true for millennials though certainly not limited to that demographic.

Aesthetics and function drive office interior design because there is a direct impact that comfort and productivity has on the bottom line. Ideally, a workplace is for easy collaboration and quiet isolation. It has equipment that works every time, and someone responsible for that because modern office design is Activity-Based Working: the ability to work from anywhere in the office that suits the current task. For people to function and perform at their best, physical and psychological comforts are worth the expense. Colours and art that stimulate the mind or represent company culture. Innovative layouts and cutting-edge electrical design that accommodates currently anticipated technological advances are present trends that invest in the future.

Modern office design strives to achieve the symbiosis of aesthetics and function because of the direct impact psychological and physical comfort has on sustained and enthusiastic productivity. It is a foundation for success when continuity of positive and inspired colleagues is maintained: and is not to be confused with ingrained narcissism and nepotism.

A current focus of design is the flexible workspace with desks and tables that are easily resized for purpose, with easily movable chairs and lounges. In contrast to the traditional office of basically fixed desks furniture and resources, it is much more conducive to more relaxed work related interaction.

Google Garage is perhaps the most extreme example of a flexible workspace where any employee can go and brainstorm product ideas. You can write on the walls and tables. The ability for hands-on experimentation is via the availability of products, devices, innovative gadgets and 3D printers. In this space, every piece of equipment is on wheels. Tradies who aspire to high-rise careers will model the power and ethernet network that extends from the ceiling so that anything can be moved to anywhere in the room and still be powered up and connected.

Biophilic design reshapes the workplace into somewhere to reconnect people with aspects of nature. It works with the elements of natural light and plants, flowing water, views of nature and natural materials. Glass ceilings and internal gardens are a massive step up from an open window and indoor pot plants.

An electrician specialising in commercial operations will work their magic with the styling, cafe, gym, and rec areas for a home-like atmosphere make it easy to stay at the office. Before COVID-19 appeared, statistically, most people spent more time with their colleagues than family.

Temporary sensor device technology now exists that detects areas that are used most, to provide further insight into how they’re being used and a useful guide for any current or future changes.

Ergonomics, excellence and expense imply expectation. From the employer is the expectation of increased and more profitable production; from the employee is the security of value-added positive acknowledgement and the continued opportunity to invest in a work life that satisfies in a more healthy way than simply a decent bank balance.